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9:00 AM – 12:00 PM  NIMH Satellite Symposium: CNS and Myeloid Cell Reservoirs


Joseph JEYMOHAN, Division of AIDS Research, NIMH – USA

Mario STEVENSON, University of Miami – USA

09:00 – 09:15 AM

Session Goals and NIMH Research Priorities in CNS and Myeloid Reservoirs

Joseph JEYMOHAN – Division of AIDS Research, NIMH – USA

09:15 – 09:30 AM

Unexpected Outcomes in the Rebound Zone: Utilizing Correlative PET/CT and Multi-Scale Imaging to Define SIV Rebound After ART Cessation

Thomas HOPE, Northwestern University – USA

09:30 – 09:45 AM

Macrophage-tropic HIV-1 variants populate plasma viremia in chronic and acute subjects undergoing analytic treatment interruption

Viviane MACHADO, University of Miami – USA

09:45 – 10:00 AM

Evidence of HIV Persistence in Circulating Myeloid Cells:  Implications for HIV-associated Complications and Remission

Brooks MITCHELL, University of Hawaii at Manoa – USA

10:00 – 10:15 AM

Genetic and functional differences in the CNS vs systemic HIV-1 reservoirs

Maria Paz GONZALEZ PEREZ, University of Massachusetts Medical School – USA

10:15 – 10:30 AM

HIV-infected macrophages evade NK cell-mediated killing while driving inflammation

Kiera CLAYTON, Ragon Institute – USA

10:30 – 11:00 PM Break

11:00 – 11:15 AM

Targeting lncRNA SAF to induce apoptosis in HIV-1 infected macrophages

Saikat BOLIAR, Cornell University – USA

11:15 – 11:30 AM

Low-level Persistent/Latent HIV-1 Infection of Macrophages Corresponds to Decreased NF-kB Activity

Tim HANLEY, University of Utah Health Sciences Center – USA

11:30 – 11:45 AM

Effects of Blocking NOX Signaling on  HIV Persistence and HIV-associated Neurocognitive Dysfunction in a Murine HAND Model

Christina GAVEGNANO, Emory University – USA

11:45 AM- 12:00 PM

Detection and modulation of HIV reservoirs in HIV infected patients on ART


9:00 AM-1:30 PM  Meeting of the Martin Delaney Collaboratories Community Advisory Board

2:00-3:30 PM  NIAID Satellite Symposium : Martin Delaney Collaboratories Research Highlights (Session 1)

2:00 – 2:30 pm DARE Collaboratory


Steven DEEKS, University of California, San Francisco – USA

Engaging CD8+ T cell responses in SIV Reservoir Reduction or Reactivation Control

Afam OKOYE, Oregon Health & Science University – USA


2:30-3:00 pm BEAT-HIV Collaboratory


Luis MONTANER, The Wistar Institute – USA

Peripheral Blood SIV/HIV Originates from Infected Cells in Tissues

Leticia KURI-CERVANTES, University of Pennsylvania – USA

Contribution of Antigenic Exposure to the Persistence of HIV-Infected CD4+ T Cells In Vivo

Francesco R. SIMONETTI, Johns Hopkins University – USA


3:00-3:30 pm BELIEVE Collaboratory


R. Brad JONES, Weill Cornell Medicine – USA

Combination IL-15 Therapy in a SHIV NHP Model

James B. WHITNEY, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – USA


3:30-4:00 PM Coffee Break

4:00-05:30 PM NIAID Satellite Symposium: Martin Delaney Collaboratories Research Highlights (Session 2)

4:00-4:30 pm I4C Collaboratory


Dan BAROUCH, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – USA

Origin of Rebound Virus in Chronically SIV-Infected Monkeys Following Treatment Discontinuation

Po-Ting LIU, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – USA

HIV-1 Diversity Considerations for Clinical Studies of Passively Transferred Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies

Kshitij WAGH, Los Alamos National Laboratory – USA


4:30-5:00 pm defeatHIV Collaboratory


Hans-Peter KIEM, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center – USA

CAR T Cell-Treated Rhesus Macaques Suppress SHIV Viremia Following ART Treatment Interruption

Christopher PETERSON, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center – USA


5:00-5:30 pm CARE Collaboratory


David MARGOLIS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – USA

Novel Bivalent Chemical Degraders to Reverse HIV Latency

Anne-Marie TURNER,  PhD, UNC HIV Cure Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 – USA

Improved Killing of HIV-infected Cells by a Combination of Three Antibodies: Implications for Clearing Persistent Infection

Marina TUYISHIME, PhD, Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC – USA

5:30-05:45 CanCURE Overview

Eric COHEN, IRCM, Human Retrovirology research unit, Montréal – CAN

5:45-06:00 PM Break


  • Alain LAFEUILLADE, Infectious disease private practice, La Valette du Var, FRA

6:05-7:30 PM Opening Lecture


Karl SALZWEDEL, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, USA

Alain LAFEUILLADE, Infectious disease private practice, La Valette du Var – FRA

  • Ending the HIV Pandemic: Follow the ScienceAnthony S. FAUCI, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, WA – USA
  • Bringing curative interventions for HIV to resource-limited parts of the world – Mike McCUNE, HIV Frontiers, Global Health Innovative Technology Solutions, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – USA

07:30 Welcome dinner



Una O’DOHERTY,Associate Professor Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA – USA

Jonathan KARN, Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, School of Medicine, Director, Case Center for AIDS Research, Cleveland/Akron, OH – USA

Christina PSOMAS, Clinical and Translational Research in the Department of Infectious Diseases of Montpellier University Hospital – FRA


OP 1.0 Cellular Mechanisms that Establish and Maintain HIV Latency

Andrew HENDERSON, Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean Graduate Medical Sciences Department of Medicine and Microbiology, Section of Infectious Diseases Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA – USA

OP 1.1: Expression Profiling of HIV Latently-Infected Cells Using Nanostring And Mass Cytometry
Author(s): H. Sperber 1, 2,*, T. Ma 3, N.R. Roan 3, S.K. Pillai 1
1 Vitalant Research Institute – San Francisco (USA)
2 Free University of Berlin – Berlin (GER)
3 Gladstone Institutes – San Francisco (USA)

OP 1.2: A quantitative single cell, single molecule RNA-FISH+IF and single cell RNA-seq
analysis reveals stochasticity of reactivation of latent provirus
Author(s): G. Kalpana 1,* , R. Pathak 1, A. La Porte 1, E. Bock 1, C. Eliscovich 1, L. Martins 2, A. Spivac 2, U. Dixit 1, V. Planelles 2, R. Singer 1
1 Albert Einstein College of Medicine – New York (USA)
2 University of Utah School of Medicine – Salt Lake City (USA)

OP 1.3 : Single-cell transcriptome sequencing of latently-infected cells ex vivo using PCRactivated cell sorting (PACS)
Author(s): I. Clark 1, 2,*, A. Abate 1, F. Quintana 2, S. Deeks 1, D. Douek 3, E. Boritz 3,*
1 UCSF – San Francisco (USA)
2 Harvard – Boston (USA)
3 NIH – Bethesda (USA)

OP 1.4 : Single cell analysis of in vivo HIV reservoir uncovers novel markers of latent cells
Author(s): N. Roan 1,*, Jason Neidleman 1, 8, Xiaoyu Luo1, Julie Frouard1, 8, Feng Hsiao 1, 8, Guorui Xie 1, 8, Vincent Morcilla 2, Katherine Sholtis James 3, Rebecca Hoh 4, Ma Somsouk 5, Peter Hunt 6, Steve Deeks 4, Nancie Archin 3, Sarah Palmer 2, Warner C. Greene 1,7
1 Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA (USA)
2 Centre for Virus Research, the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2145 (AUS)
3 Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
4 Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (USA)
5 Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, San Francisco General Hospital and University of California, San Francisco, CA (USA)
6 Division of Experimental Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (USA)
7 Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA (USA)
8 Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, CA (USA)

OP 1.5 : Quantifying the contribution of cellular proliferation to maintaining the HIV reservoir
Author(s): A. Hill 1,*, G. Andrei 1, J. Gerold 1
Harvard University – Cambridge, Ma (USA)

OP 1.6 : Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition: the new Front in HIV Cure Efforts
Author(s): V. Planelles 1,*, M. Szaniawski 1, E. Williams 1, E. Innis 1, L. Martins 1, A. Spivak 1, J. Alcami 2, M. Coiras 2
1 University of Utah – Salt Lake City (USA)
2 Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid Spain – Madrid (SPA)

10 :00-10 :30 AM Coffee Break



Ann CHAHROUDI, Associate Professor Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA – USA

Afam OKOYE, Research Associate Professor Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute, and Division of Pathobiology and Immunology, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton – USA

OP 2.0 In vivo platforms for the evaluation of novel approaches to HIV persistence and eradication

J. Victor GARCIA MARTINEZ, Professor of Medicine, Center for AIDS Research, Division of Infectious Diseases, Chapel Hill – USA


OP 2.1 Understanding the establishment and persistence of the rebound competent reservoir using barcoded viruses

Brandon F. KEELE, AIDS and Cancer Virus Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, Frederick National Laboratory, Frederick – USA


„ OP 2.2 : Barcoded viruses facilitate tracking changes to the composition of the rebound-competent reservoir
Author(s): T. Immonen 1,*, C. Fennessey 1, J. Lifson 1, B. Keele 1,*
AIDS and Cancer Virus Program, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research – Frederick (USA)


„ OP 2.3 : Delay in Viral Rebound with TLR7 Agonist, N6-LS and PGT121 in SHIV-infected
Author(s): D. Hsu 1,*, D. Silsorn 2, R. Imerbsin 2, A. Pegu 3, J. Mascola 3, R. Geleziunas 4, R. Koup 3,
D. Barouch 5, N. Michael 6, S. Vasan 6
1 MHRP – Bangkok (THA)
2 AFRIMS – Bangkok (THA)
3 NIH – Bethesda (USA)
4 Gilead Sciences – Foster City (USA)
5 BIDMC – Boston (USA)
6 MHRP – Silver Spring (USA)

OP 2.4 : Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells and Stem Cells Control and Protect Against SHIV Replication in Nonhuman Primates
Author(s): C. Peterson 1,*, B. Rust 1, A. Zhen 2, K. Brandenstein 1, N. Poole 1, C. Maldini 3, G. Ellis 3, S. Kitchen 2, J. Riley 3, H.P. Kiem 1
1 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center – Seattle (USA)
2 University of California, Los Angeles – Los Angeles (USA)
3 University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia (USA)

OP 2.5 : The latency reversal activity of the SMAC mimetic AZD5582 in ART-suppressed SIVinfected rhesus macaques is potentiated by CD8a cell depletion
Author(s): M. Mavigner 1,*, A. Brooks 1, C. Mattingly 1, T. Vanderford 1, B. Keele 2, J. Lifson 2, R. Dunham 3, D. Margolis 3, G. Silvestri 1, A. Chahroudi 1
1 Emory University – Atlanta (USA)
2 Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research – Frederick (USA)
3 UNC Chapel Hill – Chapel Hill (USA)

OP 2.6 : Utilizing correlative PET/CT and multiscale imaging to define the dynamics of SIV infected cells from early ART initiation to the rebound after analytic treatment interruption
Author(s): T. Hope 1,*, M.S. Arif 1, Y. Thomas 1, I. Clerc 1, A. Carias 1, E. Allen 1, M. Mcraven 1, M. Ramirez 2, P. Santangelo 3, F. Villinger 2
1 Northwestern – Chicago (USA)
2 New Iberia Research Center – New Iberia (USA)
3 Georgia Tech – Atlanta (USA)

12:30-2:00 PM Lunch


Chairs :

Katherine BAR, Associate professor of medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Pensylvania – USA

Zabrina BRUMME, Director, Laboratory Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Saint Paul Hospital, Vancouver – CAN

OP 3.0 CD4-MBL-CAR/CXCR5 T cell immunotherapy shows promise at reducing SIV replication post-ART release

Pamela SKINNER, Professor Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology (MICaB) Ph.D. Graduate Program, University of Minnesota, MN – USA


OP 3.1: Differential decay of intact and defective proviral DNA in HIV-1-infected individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy
Author(s): M. Peluso 1,*, P. Bacchetti 1, K. Ritter 2, S. Beg 3, P. Hunt 1, T. Henrich 1, J. Siliciano 3, R. Siliciano 3, G. Laird 2, S. Deeks 1
1 University of California, San Francisco – San Francisco (USA)
2 Accelevir Diagnostics – Baltimore (USA)
3 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine – Baltimore (USA)

OP 3.2: Women undergoing reproductive aging show increased reservoir sizes associated
with removal of hormonal control of HIV-1 latency by estrogen
Author(s): J. Karn 1,*, C. Dobrowolski 1,*, E. Scully 2, K.M. Weber 3, A.L. Landay 4
1 Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine – Cleveland (USA)
2 Johns Hopkins University, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases – Baltimore (USA)
3 WIHS/CORE Center of Cook County Health – Chicago (USA)
4 Rush University Medical Center, Department Internal Medicine – Chicago (USA)

OP 3.3: Contribution of Antigenic Exposure to the Persistence of HIV-infected CD4+
T-cells in vivo
Author(s): F. Simonetti 1,*, H. Zhang 1, G. Soroosh 1, S. Beg 1, H. Raymond 2, K. Mccormick 2, S. Deeks 3, F. Bushman 2, J. Siliciano 4, R. Siliciano 1
1 Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore (USA)
2 University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia (USA)
3 University of California San Francisco – San Francisco (USA)
4 Johns Hoppkins University – Baltimore (USA)

OP 3.4: Multiplexed RNA flow cytometric FISH allows single-cell viral transcriptional
profiling and phenotypic characterization of translation-incompetent HIV reservoirs
Author(s): D. Kaufmann 1,*, M. Dubé 1,*, G. Sannier 1, N. Brassard 1, G.G. Delgado 1, A. Baxter 1, J.P. Routy 2, N. Chomont 1
1 Research Centre of the Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) and Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – Montréal (CAN)
2 Chronic Viral Illnesses Service and Division of Hematology, McGill University Health Centre – Montréal (CAN)

OP 3.5: Low Viral Reservoir Treated Individuals Show Unusual HIV Latency Distribution
Author(s): C. Gálvez 1,*, V. Urrea 1, S. Benet 1, B. Mothe 1, L. Bailón 2, J. Dalmau 1, L. Leal 3, F. García 3, J. Martinez-Picado 1, M. Salgado 1
1 AIDS Research Institute IrsiCaixa – Badalona (SPA)
2 Infectious Diseases Department, University Hospital “Germans Trias i Pujol” – Badalona (SPA)
3 Infectious Diseases Department, Hospital Clínic, University of Barcelona – Barcelona (SPA)


7 :00 PM Free dinner



Lydie TRAUTMANN, Associate Professor, OHSU, Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute, Beaverton – USA

Brad JONES,Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Tropical Medicine, The George Washington University, Columbia, WA – USA


OP 4.0 T Cells and The Cure Agenda

Bruce WALKER, Founding Director of the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard and the Director of the Harvard University Center for AIDS Research, Cambridge, MA – USA


OP 4.1 HIV persistence during ART: Keeping memory, keeping HIV

Nicolas CHOMONT, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Université de Montréal – CHUM Research Center, Montreal – CAN


OP 4.2 : Characterizing “exceptional” control among HIV elite controllers
Author(s): M. Peluso 1,*, P. Burbelo 2, S. Kumar 1, S. Munter 1, R. Hoh 1, S. Lee 1, P. Hunt 1, R. Rutishauser 1, T. Henrich 1, S. Deeks 1
1 University of California, San Francisco – San Francisco (USA)
2 National Institutes of Health – Bethesda (USA)

OP 4.3 : Single-cell TCR sequencing reveals that clonally expanded cells highly contribute
to the inducible HIV reservoir during ART
Author(s): P. Gantner 1,*, A. Pagliuzza 2, M. Pardons 1, M. Ramgopal 3, J.P. Routy 3, R. Fromentin 2, N. Chomont 1
1 Université de Montréal – Montréal (CAN)
2 CRCHUM – Montréal (CAN), 3Midway Immunology & Research Center – Fort Pierce (USA)

OP 4.4 : Single-cell phenotyping of HIV-infected expanded clones in ART-suppressed individuals
Author(s): C. Dufour 1,*, M. Pardons 1, R. Fromentin 1, M. Massanella 1, S. Palmer 2, S. Deeks 3, B. Murrell 4, J.P. Routy 5, N. Chomont 1
1 Centre de Recherche du CHUM and Department of Microbiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Université de Montréal – Montreal (CAN)
2 Centre for Virus Research, The Westmead Institute of Medical Research, The University of Sydney – Sydney (AUS)
3 Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco – California (USA)
4 Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet – Stockholm (SWE)
5 Division of Hematology & Chronic Viral Illness Service, McGill University Heath Centre – Montreal (CAN)

OP 4.5 : The IciStem consortium: T-cell immunology in HIV-1 infected individuals after
allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Author(s): J. Martinez-Picado 3,*, J. Eberhard 1,*, M. Angin 2, C. Passaes 2, M. Salgado 3, J.L. Díez Martín 4, M. Nijhuis 5, A. Wensing 5, , J. Schulze Zur Wiesch 1, A. Sáez-Cirión 2
1 Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Unit, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf – Hamburg (GER)
2 Institut Pasteur, HIV, Inflammation and Persistence – Paris (FRA)
3 AIDS Research Institute IrsiCaixa – Barcelona (SPA)
4 Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Instituto de Investigación Sanitarias Gregorio
Marañón, Universidad Complutense – Madrid (SPA)
5 University Medical Center – Utrecht (NET)

„OP 4.6 : Dynamics of HIV-Specific T-Cells on Long-Term ART Differ by Antigen Recognized and by Sex
Author(s): Eva M. Stevenson1, Adam R. Ward 1,2,3, Thomas R. Dilling 1, John K. Bui 1, John Mellors 4, Rajesh Gandhi 5, Deborah McMahon 4, Joseph Eron 6, Ronald Bosch 7, Christina Lalama 7, Joshua Cyktor 4, and Brad Jones 1,2, for the A5321 Team
1 Division of Infectious Diseases, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY (USA)
2 Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Tropical Medicine, George Washington
University, Washington, DC (USA)
3 PhD program in Epidemiology, George Washington University, Washington, DC (USA)
4 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
5 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (USA)
6 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
7 Harvard University, Boston, MA (USA)

10 :00-10 :30 AM Coffee Break



Bonnie HOWELL, Executive Director, Infectious Disease and Vaccines Merck, West Point, Pennsylvania, PE – USA

Javier MARTINEZ PICADO, ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Recerca de la Sida – IrsiCaixa, Barcelona – SPA


OP5.0 Discovery and development of novel latency reversing agents

Richard DUNHAM, Scientific Leader and Fellow at ViiV Healthcare; Adj Asst Professor at UNC-CH Région de Raleigh-Durham, NC – USA


OP 5.1 Virologic Outcomes of Vesatolimod Administration in People Living with HIV on ART

Joseph HESSELGESSER, Research scientist, Gilead, Foster city, CA – USA


OP 5.2 : HIV Post-Treatment Control Despite Plasma Viral Evolution and Dual Infection
Author(s): J. Li 1*, B. Etemad 1, G. Namazi 1, Y. Wen 2, N. Jilg 3, E. Esmaeilzadeh 1, X. Zhang 4, R. Sharaf 1, Z. Brumme 5, M. Kearney 6,
1 Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School – Boston (USA)
2 China Medical University – Shenyang (CHI)
3 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School – Boston (USA)
4 Beijing Friendship Hospital – Beijing (CHI)
5Simon Fraser University – Burnaby (CAN), 6Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research – Frederick (USA)

„ OP 5.3 : Optimization of Smac Mimetics as HIV-1 Latency Reversing Agents
Author(s): L. Pache 1,*, P. Teriete 1, M.D. Marsden 2, A.M. Spivak 3, D. Heimann 1, A.J. Portillo 1, V. Planelles 3, J.A. Zack 2, N.D.P. Cosford 1, S.K. Chanda 1
1 Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute – La Jolla (USA)
2 University of California, Los Angeles – Los Angeles (USA)
3 University of Utah School of Medicine – Salt Lake City (USA)

OP 5.4 : HIV Particles Expressed in Semen under INSTI-based Suppressive Therapy are
Largely Myeloid Cell-Derived and Exhibit Widely Diverse Genotypes
Author(s): J. Johnson 1,*, D. Anderson 2, J.F. Li 1, A. Santos Tino 3, J. Politch 2, J. Lipscomb 1, J. Defelice 4, M. Gelman 4, K. Mayer 4
1 CDC, Atlanta (USA)
2 BU School of Medicine, Boston (USA)
3 The DESA Group, Atlanta, USA 4The Fenway Institute,Boston (USA)

OP 5.5 : Impact of anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 on the HIV reservoir in vivo: The AMC-095 Study
Author(s): Thomas A Rasmussen1, Laskhmi Rajdev2, Ajantha Rhodes1, Ashanti Dantanarayana1, Surekha Tennakoon1, Socheata Chea1, Danielle Rigau3, Shelly Lensing4, Rachel Rutishauser5, Sonia Bakkour6, Michael Busch6, Dirk P Dittmer7, Steven Deeks5, Christine Durand3, Sharon R Lewin1, 8
1 The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, The University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, (AUS)
2 Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York (USA)
3 Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (USA)
4 Department of Biostatistics, University of Arkansas for Medical Biosciences, Arkansas (USA)
5 Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, California (USA)
6 Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, California (USA)
7 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina (USA)
8 Department of Infectious Diseases, Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne (AUS)

OP 5.6 : Intact Proviral DNA Levels Decline in People with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
Author(s): J. Cyktor 2,*, R. Gandhi 1,*, R. Bosch 3, H. Mar 3, G. Laird 4, B. Macatangay 2, J. Eron 5, R. Siliciano 6, D. Mcmahon2, J. Mellors2
1 Massachusetts General Hospital – Boston (USA),
2 University of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh (USA),
3 Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health – Boston (USA),
4 Accelevir Diagnostics – Baltimore (USA),

12:30-2:00 PM Lunch



Ya-Chi HO, Assistant Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis and Medicine; Investigator, HIV Reservoirs and Viral Eradication Transformative Science Group (Cure TSG) New Haven, CT – USA

Alberto BOSQUE, Assistant Professor,Department of Microbioloy, Immunology and Tropical Medicine, George Washington Universisty, Washington, WA – USA


OP 6.0 Genome editing against HIV

Paula CANNON, Professor of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology; Associate Director
of Cross School Programs for the MESH Academy Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Los Angeles, CA – USA


OP 6.1: Multispecific anti-HIV duoCAR-T cell therapy mediates robust HIV suppression and elimination of HIV-infected cells in humanized mice
Author(s): K. Anthony-Gonda 1,*, A. Bardhi 2, A. Ray 2, W. Krueger 1, D. Schneider 1, Z. Zhu 1, R. Orentas 1, D. Dimitrov 3, H. Goldstein 2, B. Dropulic 1
1 Lentigen, a Miltenyi Biotec Company – Gaithersburg (USA)
2 Albert Einstein College of Medicine – Bronx (USA)
3 University of Pittsburg – Pittsburg (USA)


OP 6.2: Location, abundance and persistence of CAR/CXCR5 transduced T cells within
lymphoid tissues of SIV-infected rhesus macaques
Author(s): H. Abdelaal 1,*, M. Pampusch 1, P. Skinner 1, E. Berger 2
1 University of Minnesota – Minneapolis (USA)
2 University of Minnesota – The National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md (USA)

OP 6.3: Combinatorial latency reversal activity of Inhibitor of Apoptosis antagonists (IAPa) with mechanistically distinct classes of HIV latency reversal agents
Author(s): Shane D. Falcinelli1,3, David M. Irlbeck1,5, Anne-Marie Turner1, Jackson Peterson1,3, Frances Potjewyd2, Lindsey I. James1,2, David M. Margolis1,3,4, Nancie M. Archin1,4, Richard M. Dunham1,5
1 UNC HIV Cure Center (USA)
2 Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (USA)
3 Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology (USA)4Dept. of Medicine University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
5 HIV Drug Discovery, ViiV Healthcare, Research Triangle Park, NC (USA)

OP 6.4: α4α7-blockade delays viral rebound in SHIV infected macaques treated with a
combination of HIV bNAbs
Author(s): E. Martinelli 1,*
CBR, Population Council – New York (USA)

OP 6.5: Replacing daily cART with AAV-expressed eCD4-Ig
Author(s): M. Gardner 1,*, M. Davis-Gardner 1, M. Farzan 1
1 The Scripps Research Institute – Jupiter (USA)

4:00 -7.00 PM – POSTER SESSION // POSTER VIEWING with wine and cheese tasting

7:00 PM Free evening



David SMITH, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla- USA

Javier MARTINEZ PICADO, ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Recerca de la Sida – IrsiCaixa, Barcelona – SPA


OP 7.0 Main challenges of human studies in the HIV eradication field

Beatriz MOTHE PUJADAS, MD, PhD. Associate Investigator. HIV Unit & IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute. Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol. UVic-UC, Barcelona – SPA


OP 7.1 Whole Body Imaging of HIV Persistence, Viral Biomarkers and Immune Activation

Timothy HENRICH, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco, CA – USA


OP 7.2: Plasma and Antibody Glycomic Biomarkers of Time to HIV Rebound and Viral Setpoint
Author(s): L. Giron 1,*, E. Papasavvas 1, L. Azzoni 1, K. Mounzer 2, J. Kostman 2, I. Sanne 3, C. Firnhaber 4, Q. Liu 1, L. Montaner 1, M. Abdel-Mohsen 1,*
1 The Wistar Institute – Philadelphia (USA)
2 Philadelphia FIGHT – Philadelphia (USA)
3 University of the Witwatersrand – Johannesburg (ZAF)
4 University of Colorado School of Medicine – Aurora (USA)

OP7.3: Single cell RNA-seq identifies host genes that correlate with HIV-1 reservoir size
Author(s): R. Thomas 1,*, A. Waickman 2, P. Ehrenberg 1, A. Geretz 1, M. Eller 1, S. Tovanabutra 1, J. Ananworanich 1, N. Chomont 3, J. Currier 2, N. Michael 1
1 U.S. Military HIV Research Program, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research – Silver Spring (USA)
2 Viral Diseases Branch, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research – Silver Spring (USA)
3 Université de Montréal, Faculty of Medicine – Montreal (CAN)

OP 7.4: Sex differences in the latent reservoir of virally suppressed HIV-1 infected individuals living in Rakai, Uganda
Author(s): T.C. Quinn 3,*, J. Prodger 1,*, A.M. Capoferri 2, K. Yu 1, S.J. Reynolds 3, J. Kasule 4, D. Serwadda 4, E. Scully 2, K.J. Kwon 2, A.D. Redd 3
1 Western University – London (CAN)
2 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine – Baltimore (USA)3National Institutes of Health – Baltimore (USA)
4 Rakai Health Sciences Program – Kalisizo (UGA)

OP 7.5: Clones Of HIV Infected Cells Are Widely Distributed In T Cell Subsets In Blood
And In Anatomic Tissues
Author(s): F. Maldarelli 1,*, M. Gozoulis 1, X. Wu 2, L. Perez 3, R. Gorelick 4, C. Lange 1, S. Hill 1, J. Virga1, T. Uldrick 5, R. Yarchoan 6, S. Hughes 1
1 CCR/NCI – Frederick (USA)
2 Leidos Inc – Peoria (USA)
3 VRC/NIAID – Bethesda (USA)
4 Leidos, INC – Peoria (USA)
5 CCR/NCI – U Washington (USA)
6 CCR/NCI – Bethesda (USA)

OP 7.6: Tissue-specific differences in the mechanisms that govern HIV latency in blood,
liver, gut and genital tract in ART-suppressed women
Author(s): S. Moron-Lopez 1,*, G. Xie 2, P. Kim 3, J. Wong 1, J. Price 4, N. Elnachef 4, R. Greenblatt 4, P. Tien 1, N. Roan 2, S. Yukl 1
1 University of California San Francisco – SFVAMC – San Francisco (USA)
2 University of California San Francisco – Gladstone Institutes – San Francisco (USA)
3 San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC) – San Francisco (USA)
4 University of California San Francisco – San Francisco (USA)

10:00-10:30 AM Coffee Break



Susanna VALENTE, Associate Professor Department of Immunology and Microbiology130 Scripps Way, 3C1, Jupiter, FL – USA

Lesley de ARMAS, Academic research scientits at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medecine, Miami – USA

Poli GUIDO, Salute San Raffaele University School of Medicine & Head AIDS
Milan – ITA


OP 8.0 A viable pathway to HIV-1 remission

Michael FARZAN, Professor an d co-chair of the Department of Immunology and Microbiology on the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute, FL – USA



OP 8.1: The Human IL-15 Superagonist N803 Does Not Reverse Latency in ART-suppressed, SHIV-infected macaques
Author(s): G. Webb 1,*, J. Berrocal 2, K. Busman-Sahay 1, S. Abdulhaqq 1, J. Smedley 1, J. Safrit 3, J. Estes 1, P. Skinner 2, J. Sacha 1
1 Oregon Health and Science University – Portland (USA)
2 University of Minnesota – St. Paul (USA)
3 NantKWest – Culver City (USA)

„OP 8.2: How Long is Long-term? Delivery of anti-HIV Antibodies Using AAV Vector
Author(s): J. Martinez-Navio 1,*, S. Fuchs 1, D. Mendes 1, E. Rakasz 2, G. Gao 3, J. Lifson 4, R. Desrosiers 1,*
1 University of Miami – Miami (USA)
2 Wisconsin National Primate Research Center UW – Madison (USA)
3 Gene Therapy Center UMass – Worcester (USA)
4 Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research – Frederick (USA)

OP 8.3: Intensification of ART with ABX464 decreases the total HIV reservoir and HIV
transcription initiation in CD4+ T cells from HIV-infected ART-suppressed individuals
Author(s): S. Bernal 1,*, S. Moron-Lopez 2,*, J.M. Steens 3, J.K. Wong 4, J. Martinez-Picado 1, S.A. Yukl 4
1 IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute – Badalona (SPA)
2 University of California San Francisco – San Francisco (USA)
3 ABIVAX – Paris (FRA)
4 San Francisco VA Medical Center – San Francisco (USA)

OP 8.4: HIV persistence despite reservoir decay during combinatorial immunotherapy
including therapeutic conserved elements (CE) DNA vaccination, αPD-1 therapy, GS-986 TLR7- agonism, and CCR5 gene-edited CD4+ T cell infusion in rhesus macaques
Author(s): S. Dross 1,*, C. Peterson 2, M. O’ Connor 1, H. Tunggal 1, J. Li 1, K. Jerome 2, H.P. Kiem 2, B. Felber 3, J. Mullins 1, D. Fuller 1
1 Department of Microbiology, University of Washington – Seattle (USA)
2 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center – Seattle (USA)
3 Human Retrovirus Pathogenesis Section, Vaccine Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute – Frederick (USA)

OP 8.5: PD-1 Blockade boost Vaccine-Induced anti-HIV responses in the absence of HIV reactivation
Author(s): M. Marin Lopez 1,*, J. G Prado 1,* E. Jimenez-Moyano 1, D. Ouchi 1, O. Blanch-Lombarte 1, D. Gorman 2, T. Hanke 3, C. Brander 1, B. Howell 4, B. Mothe 1
1 IrisiCaixa – Badalona (Barcelona) (SPA)
2 Merck & Co. Inc. – Palo Alto, California (USA)
3 The Jenner Institute Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford – Oxford (GBR),
4 Department of Infectious Disease, Merck & Co. Inc. – Kenilworth, Nj (USA)

OP 8.6: Post-therapy viral set-point abatement following combined antiproliferative and
immune-boosting interventions: Results: from a randomized clinical trial
Author(s): R. Sobhie Diaz 1,*, L.B. Giron 2, J. Galinskas 1, J. Hunter 1, M. Janini 1, I.L. Shytaj 3, R. Cauda 4, M.C. Sucupira 5, J. Maricato 5, A. Savarino 6
1 Federal University of Sao Paulo, Infectious Diseases Department – São Paulo (BRA)
2 Wistar Institute – Philadelphia (USA)
3 Heidelberg University Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases – Heidelberg (USA)
4 Institute of Infectious Diseases, Gemelli Hospital, Catholic University of Sacred Heart – Rome (ITA)
5 Federal University of Sao Paulo, Infectious Diseases Department – São Paulo (BRA)
6 Department of Infectious Diseases, Italian Institute of Health – Rome (ITA)

OP 8.7: B cell depletion alone or in combination with IL-15 or PD-1 blockade facilitates
enhanced control of virus replication in SIV-infected rhesus macaques
Author(s): Y. Fukazawa 1,*, L.J. Picker 1,* , H. Behrns 1, B.E. Randall 1, B. Varco-Merth 1, H. Park 1, B.K. Felber 2, G.N. Pavlakis 2, J.D. Lifson 3, A.A. Okoye 1
1 Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute and Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University – Beaverton, Or (USA)
2 Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute – Frederick, Md (USA)

12:30 PM Closing ceremony




10:00 – 10:05 a.m – Welcome & Introduction to the HIV Reservoirs Consortium
Heather Ann Brauer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

10:05 – 10:30 a.m – High-Dimensional Spatial Characterization of Viral Reservoirs in
Tissues [20 MINS] Q&A [5 MINS]

Jake Estes, Oregon Health & Science University

10:30 – 10:55 a.m – Spatial Resolution of Virologic and Immunologic Characteristics of HIV
Reservoirs in Human Lymph Node Tissues Following Early Art
Initiation [20 MINS] Q&A [5 MINS]

Zaza Ndhlovu, Africa Health Research Institute

10:55 – 11:20 a.m – Analytical Treatment Interruption to Identify Host Biomarkers Predictive
of Viral Rebound [20 MINS] Q&A [5 MINS]

Lillian Cohn, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

11:20 – 11:55 a.m – Current Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Clinical Trials [15 Mins]
The Rio Trial: Design, Implementation and Post Treatment Viral Control [15 MINS]
Q&A [5 MINS]

Christian Gaebler, Rockefeller University
Sarah Fidler, Imperial College London

11:55 a.m. – 12:00 p.m – Closing Remarks
Heather Ann Brauer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation



12:00 – 1:30 pm – Lunch on your own


01:30 – 03:30 PM – NIH Martin Delaney Collaboratories symposium

03:10 – 03:40 PM – Coffee Break

03:40 – 04:00 PM – I4C

04:05 – 04:25 PM – CRISPR for Cure

04:30 – 04:55 PM – PAVE

04:55 – 05:15 PM – Discussion break

05:15 – 06:30 PM – NIH Martin Delaney Collaboratories symposium

05:15 – 05:35 PM – HOPE

05:40 – 06:00 PM – DARE

06:05 – 06:25 PM – RID-HIV

06:25 – 06:30 PM – Closing remarks
Karl Salzwedel, NIAID

06:30 – 07:00 PM – Opening Lecture “Tribute to Timothy Ray Brown”

06:30 – 07:00 PM – Welcoming message
Mario Steveson, University of Miami Leonard School of Medicine Miami, USA
David Margolis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Karl Salzwedel, NIAID, Division of AIDS, Bethesda, USA

06:36 – 07:00 PM – Opening Lecture “Tribute to Timothy Ray Brown”
Lessons learned from allogeneic stem cell transplantation in HIV + Patients
Gero Hütter, Cellex, Dresden, Germany


07:00 PM – Welcome dinner

08:00 – 10:00 AM Session 1: Basic Science of HIV Persistence

Chairs : Maria Salgado, IrsiCaixa Institute for AIDS Research, Badalona – SPA and Nancie Archin, Division of
Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – USA


OP 1.1: Sequencing HIV: Significance and Impact
Lecturer: S. Palmer, Centre for Virus Research, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, The University of Sydney, Westmead, NSW, Australia, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

OP 1.2: HIV Silencing and Cell Survival Signatures of HIV-Infected CD4 T Cell Transcriptomes under

OP 1.3: The fraction of cells with unspliced HIV RNA is not associated with plasma viremia

OP 1.4: Definitive evidence of a persistent HIV reservoir in human brain myeloid cells despite ART

OP 1.5: P400/Tip60 chromatin remodeling complex in HIV transcription and latency establishment

OP 1.6: Role of UHRF1 in HIV-1 transcriptional repression through epigenetic and non-epigenetic mechanisms

OP 1.7: Potent latency reversal enables in-depth transcriptomic analysis of the translation-competent HIV-1 reservoir

10:00 – 10:30 a.m. – Coffee Break

Chairs: Ann Chahroudi, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA – USA, and Afam OKOYE, Associate Professor, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton, Oregon, USA.

OP 2.1: CCR5 in HIV Prevention and Cure
Lecturer: Jonah B. Sacha, Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute and Oregon National Primate Research Center,
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA

OP 2.2: Characterization of the SIV tissue reservoir transcriptional environment at the single focus level during ART and post ATI

OP 2.3: The EZH2 inhibitor Tazemetostat increases MHC I antigen presentation in vitro and in vivo, enhancing antiviral activities of HIV-specific CTLs

OP 2.4: No Evidence of Ongoing Viral Replication in SIV-Infected Macaques on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Initiated in the Chronic Phase of Infection Despite Elevated Residual Plasma Viral Loads

OP 2.5: Targeting the SIV reservoir with Alemtuzumab

OP 2.6: Constitutive NKG2A levels and timing of antiretroviral therapy initiation impact the potential role of NK cells after treatment interruption -the pVISCONTI study

OP 2.7: The latency reversing agent HODHBt synergizes with IL-15 to enhance cytotoxic function of HIV-specific CD8+ T-cells

12:30 – 02:00 p.m. – Lunch

Chairs: Ya Chi Ho, Assistant Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis and Medicine; Investigator, HIV Reservoirs
and Viral Eradication Transformative Science Group (Cure TSG) New Haven, CT – USA

0P 3.1: HIV Persistence in women, an update
Lecturer: Nancie Archin, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC (USA) USA

OP 3.2: Clonally expanded HIV-1 proviruses with 5’-Leader defects can give rise to nonsuppressible residual viremia and complicate ART management

OP 3.3: Inducible replication-competent HIV proviruses persist in memory CD4+ T cells expressing high levels of the integrin VLA-4 (α4β1)

OP 3.4: Infected naïve cd4+ t cells in children with hiv can proliferate and persist on art

OP 3.5: HIV-1 RNA+ infected CD4 T cell burden in acute HIV-1 infection and association with inflammatory markers

OP 3.6: Effect of HIV-1 infection, viral particle production, and proviral integration site on CD4+ T cell proliferation

OP 3.7: Cohort-specific Adaptation of the Intact Proviral DNA Assay (IPDA) to HIV-1 subtypes A1, D, and recombinants


YI 1.1: Histone decrotonylation uniquely regulates HIV-1 transcription and can be modulated to control HIV-1 latency

YI 1.2: LAIR-1 is a negative regulator of SIV-specific CD8 T cells during chronic SIV infection

YI 1.3: Continuous decline of intact proviral DNA after two decades of antiretroviral therapy

1.4: The HIV-1 antisense RNA Ast promotes viral latency via epigenetic silencing of the proviral 5’LTR and is expressed in latently infected cells from ART-suppressed donors

YI 1.5: CAR/CXCR5 T cells contact HIV vRNA+ cells in HIV-infected humanized DRAGA mice

YI 1.6 Multiomic dynamics of the cellular HIV reservoir after rebound during ATI


7:30 p.m. – DINNER ON YOUR OWN

08:00 – 10:00 AM Session 4: Immunology of HIV Persistence

Chairs: Katharine Bar, Attending Physician, Infectious Diseases, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Physician, International Travel Medicine Clinic, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine

Director, Penn CFAR Viral and Molecular Core – Philadelphia – USA and Bradley Jones, Infectious Diseases

Division, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York- USA, 7 Department of Microbiology

and Immunology, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, New York– USA

OP 4.1: Viral persistence and NK cells
Lecturer: Michaela Muller-Trutwin, Institut Pasteur; HIV, Inflammation and Persistence Unit; University Paris Cité; Paris, France

OP 4.2: Cytolytic CD8+ T cells infiltrate germinal centers and limit HIV replication in spontaneous controllers

OP 4.3: Leaky reservoirs are associated with HIV-specific cd4 and CD8 T-cell responses

OP 4.4: HIV reservoir burden associates with numbers of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells under long-term antiretroviral therapy and prevents them from differentiating into functional memory cells

OP 4.5: Comparative single-cell transcriptome and TCR profiling of HIV infected cells in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of PLWH before and after ART

OP 4.6: No associations between magnitudes of HIV-specific CTL responses on stable art and subsequent decay of intact proviruses or cell-associated HIV mRNA

OP 4.7: Circulating immune predictors of intact hiv reservoir decay during long-term art

OP 4.8: CD8+ T cells promote hiv latency in CD4+ T cells through the downmodulation of NF-kB

10:00 – 10:30 a.m. – Break

Chairs: Romas Geleziunas, Executive Director of Biology at the Gilead Sciences, McGill University – Foster City –
USA, and Jan Van Luzen, Head of Translational Medical Research, ViiV Healthcare, London, UK

OP 5.1: IAP inhibitors to induce HIV expression
Lecturer: Richard Dunham, Scientific Leader and Fellow at ViiV Healthcare; Adj Asst Professor at
UNC-CH Région de Raleigh-Durham, NC – USA

OP 5.2: Characterization of a dual PTPN1/PTPN2 inhibitor to target latent HIV reservoirs

OP 5.3: 1-year treatment with ponatinib provides protection of CD4+ T cells against HIV that is maintained at least 1 year more after treatment interruption

OP 5.4: Identification and characterization of novel inhibitors of HIV Tat protein

OP 5.5: Impairment of HIV proviral reactivation by interfering with essential metabolic pathways in effector memory CD4+ T cells

OP 5.6: Enhancing PKC Modulator HIV Latency Reversing Agents

OP 5.7: Romidepsin in combination with the BCL-2 antagonist venetoclax synergistically reduce the size of the HIV reservoir

12:30 – 02:00 p.m. – Lunch

02:00 – 04:00 p.m. SESSION 6: CELL & GENE THERAPIES
Chairs: Javier Martinez-Picado, ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Recerca de la Sida –
IrsiCaixa, Barcelona – SPA and Tricia Burdo, Vice Chair, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and
Inflammation, Professor, Microbiology, Immunology and Inflammation, Professor, Center for Neurovirology &
Gene Editing, Professor, Neural Sciences Philadelphia – USA

OP 6.1: It’s a mountain not a hill: Progress made in realizing AAV-delivered inhibitors for an HIV cure
Lecturer: Mathew Gardner, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Emory University, Division
of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory National Primate Research Center, Jupiter, USA

OP 6.2: Targeted genome engineering of human t cells in vivo for HIV cure

OP 6.3: Delivery and long-term expression of CCR5-blocking monoclonal antibody Leronlimab with AAV for ART-free remission from SHIV viremia

OP 6.4: High-efficiency CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of ccr5 in human hematopoietic stem progenitor cells generates HIV-refractory immune systems

OP 6.5: Nanobody-engineered AAV vectors for CD4-targeted gene therapy

OP 6.6: Viral Suppression in SHIV-infected Rhesus Macaques following AAV-mediated Delivery of Closer-togermline Monoclonal Antibodies

OP 6.7: Long-term ART-free SIV Remission Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Mauritian Cynomolgus Macaques


YI 2.1: Bispecific antibodies promote natural killer cell-mediated elimination of the HIV reservoir

YI 2.2: Investigating the Role of Naïve CD4+ T-cells as a CTL Resistant Sanctuary for Intact HIV Proviruses

YI 2.3: Impact of early antiretroviral therapy on tissue resident myeloid cells in the liver and lung of SIV-infected rhesus macaques

YI 2.4: HIV persistence and latency in microglia: Single-cell transcriptome analysis of three humanized mice

YI 2.5: Distinct HIV-1 resistance profiles against bnab in intact vs defective viral genomes

YI 2.6: Investigating Short-Term Effects of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination on Plasma Viremia and Intact HIV Reservoir Size in Individuals Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)


7:30 p.m. – DINNER ON YOUR OWN

08:00 – 10:00 a.m. – SESSION 7: HUMAN STUDIES
Chairs: Lydie Trautmann, Associate Professor, OHSU, Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute, Beaverton – USA and
David Margolis, University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill – USA

OP 7.1: Challenges and Advances in Identification and Immune Targeting of HIV-Infected Cells: Implications for HIV Cure Therapies
Lecturer: Timothy Henrich, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco, CA – USA

0P 7.2: Impact of 10-1074LS and 3BNC117-LS on viral rebound dynamics following treatment interruption six months after dosing: four cases from the open label arm of the RIO trial

OP 7.3: Pre-treatment Interruption Plasma Metabolites and Glycans Correlate with Time to HIV Rebound and Reservoir Size in ACTG A5345

OP 7.4: Series of Jojo. A way to disseminate HIV Cure information in a community language.

OP 7.5: Measuring the impact of early 3BNC117 intervention at ART initiation on the productive reservoir in a cohort of diverse viral subtypes: results from the VIP-SPOT assay in the eCLEAR trial

OP 7.6: Clonal Dynamics within HIV-Infected CD4 T Cell Reservoirs after PD-1 Blockade under ART

OP 7.7: Characterization of the HIV-1 Viral Reservoir in Subtype B Early Treated Individuals

10:00 – 10:30 a.m. – Break

Chairs: Marina Caskey, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New
York, USAR – USA and Michael Farzan, Professor and co-chair of the Department of Immunology and
Microbiology on the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute, FL – USA San Diego – USA

OP 8.1: Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies for HIV Prevention, Therapy and Cure: 3BNC117 & 10-1074 Studies –
Lecturer: Marina Caskey, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA

OP 8.2: Interleukin-2 administration is a potent latency reversal agent in people with treated HIV infection

OP 8.3: HIV-vaccine induced, broad and polyfunctional CD4 and CD8 T cell responses are associated with prolonged time off ART and lower pVL at the end of ATI in the AELIX-002 therapeutic vaccine trial

OP 8.4: TLR agonist and SIV mAbs administered to SIV-infected ART-suppressed macaques did not delay rebound after treatment interruption

OP 8.5: TGF-beta Blockade to Stop HIV White Noise: a New “Release and Kill” HIV Strategy

OP 8.6: Autologous neutralizing antibody responses in bnAb-treated rhesus macaques

OP 8.7: In vivo evolution of env in SHIV-AD8-infected rhesus macaques after AAV-eCD4-Ig therapy

12:30 – 01:00 p.m. – CLOSING CEREMONY
David MARGOLIS, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC – USA
Karl SALZWEDEL, NIAID, Division of AIDS, Bethesda, MD – USA
Mario STEVENSON, University of Miami Leonard School of Medicine, Miami, FL – USA